Business Support Services that are Regional in Nature
The objective is to develop platforms and activities that can promote partnerships and linkages amongst businesses. Furthermore, inform businesses on the various trade and investment opportunities that are available in the region.
CBC will continue to develop products and services such as the BizNet, Made in COMESA, linkages and market intelligence support, database/ central depository for trade information that members can access, work with member states and members on systems that facilitate trade and to develop regional value chains and industry development policies and improve communications.

At Regional Level
Development of flagship Business facilitation programs: COMESA Business Visa Scheme, Made in COMESA Label, and
Business Facilitation handbooks; the COMESA Sectoral -Led Handbooks customized to market requirements
Host the Annual COMESA International Trade Fair and sectoral buyer-seller meetings
Mobilize business participation at the regional level for international trade fairs through global partnership agreements with business organizations.